Animated calico cat sucking up boba from a straw while holding the cup>

Home, Food Banking and One offs template-Repth.
About template-Only Wonder.
Boba cat and wave cat- IKOstudios on etsy.
Silly kitty-RoyRoyArt on etsy.
Wave background-KoyLiang on etsy.


Welcome to Fish's adventures in volunteering and merch collecting!

Animated white cat that has both eyes rolling in a circle
Animated calico cat waving both hands with a hand

Hiya, I'm Fish! I have been volunteering for a food bank I'll call "Destiny Island Food Bank" for 3 years now. I have seen a few phases of it now. The area I volunteer for currently is in the process of moving to a new building in a few weeks to become a fb partner. They are planning to expand the program. I will miss the old space though. I also do randomly one off volunteer opportunities sometimes. When I am not doing this, I'm either playing games, on Twitter, chilling in fandom spaces or buying things.

I love the Kingdom Hearts series and my favorite character is Naminé. I have been off and on in the kh space since I was 12. I also enjoy ffvi, ffix, ffxi, p3p and jibaku shounen hanako-kun with few other series. My favorite characters are Celes/Locke, Garnet, Female MC/Kotone and Nene. I adore all the expansion girls and Lehko.

I enjoy lost media and looking at fandom spaces between kh games. My main interest is the time between kh1 to kh2 and after the release kh2 to before days.

In addition, I have no clue how to code and mostly just copy n paste things, so that's why my website looks so terrible
