Header Here
11 or 12?//2024
Edit 2:The official move email came...I played burn my dread while reading it. The official opening date is April 8. So, only two weeks left in the old spot. It will be the same annoying process every week, like the warehouse starting from this week. There comes the problem itself:The two shifts are now 9:30 and 11. Head honcho 3 isn't in charge of the schedule anymore. The volunteer team is. They want to standardize the shifts. "We hope you will keep your promise as volunteers and continue to grow with the program. ". I never promised anything. I might put in my two weeks as a volunteer because that is a hard schedule to keep. Leaving at 7:30 or 8:40 would be a pain to do. Especially with the ever annoying app and the fact that they plan to take the connect vans out of the area in the future. This is a quote from the new policies announcement letter. "As an experienced volunteer, we rely on you to set the example of excellence in client service and your ability to guide new volunteers in the many tasks that need to be accomplished.". I'm the worst one out of the group. I can't remember the names of the other volunteers minus Celeste, dry goods lady, and Todd most of the time. Adding more volunteers means more names I won't remember. Oh well, I'll play it by ear.....Nvm, the pain in the ass bus "schedule changes and service improvements" start April 5. Great, I have to deal with these shitty 45 minutes per bus wait when the van goes away.
